On the 14th -16th of May, 2016 was held INWA National Trainer Course in Beijing China.
Please read the report of our International Trainer Marco Maas and see wonderful photos of it.
China, 1.3 billion inhabitants, about 20% of the world population, is interested in Nordic Walking, for INWA a great opportunity. As you probably know, our president, Aki Karihtala, was several times in China to promote Nordic Walking.
Walking is popular in China and the government is interested to find new ways to get the Chinese people more physical active.
In the province Qinghai the Sports Bureau and the Qinghai Mountaineering Association are active in promoting nordic walking.
For 2016 they cooperate with the Chinese Nordic Walking Association ( CNWA), Guide Town People’s Government and with support of Rebornsun, (pole factory), to organise a nordic walking event named: 2016 Chinese Water Tower International Nordic Walking event.
In China there is serious interest in competition, and walking events. To organize this in a right way trainers and referees are needed.
To help the province Qinghai and his partners, INWA send Marco Maas, INWA International Trainer and Shannon van der Plas, INWA national trainer to organize a trainer education.
This education was held Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th of May 2016 in Xining.
Beside this Nordic Walking trainer education there was also a possibility to become an referee, to check the rules during Nordic Walking competitions.
The participating trainers were from Xining and the province Qinghai.
Totally there were 31 persons, 19 male and 12 female with various preliminary trainings.
Some of them practised Nordic Walking for several years but the majority had only a little knowledge of Nordic Walking. The participants were middle aged .
The enthusiasm was great and the most important motivation of the participants, was to learn a good technique so they can share competitions and they can go walking with some friends.
They were curious to learn the INWA 10 step program : the participants who had lessons before were educated with a 4 step program.
We had a great trainers education, with very motivated people. They could be valuable promoters for developing Nordic Walking in the province Qinghai.
After this education we went to Beijing, for the National Trainer education. We stay at the Sport University. Here we were part of the 12.000 people who lived and studied all kind of sports.
This National Trainer Education was organised by Chinese Nordic Walking Association, the Beijing Sport University, Social Sport Department and with support of Rebornsun.
It was held on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th of May 2016.
We had 73 participants and they came from all parts of China
A lot of them were professionals in outdoor sports, teachers of universities and people with a medical background. The ages of the participants was diverse.
The expectations were diverse. Some of them were interested in education of trainers, some were participating for educational reasons on schools and a some of them were not willing to educate but wanted to use this education to get a better technique and are willing to promote Nordic Walking in their living area
Our biggest issue was to find a way of teaching 73 participants. Theoretical lessons is not the problem. But teaching nordic walking technique and teaching training skills, walking gait, and stimulate the participants to show their teaching skills was an issue. Controlling INWA quality was only possible with help of my assistants Betty van Veelen en Elselien van Kessel.
Equal as to the education in Xining, most of the participants were not known with INWA 10 steps and they wanted to know everything to use it in training Nordic Walking.
This National Trainer education to become a referee, to check the rules during nordic walking competitions was also added in an supplementary course.
Participants of this course came from different parts in whole China and people from certain regions came together. This is a good point and I advised them to keep contact with each other, so that they can exchange experience so they can become a better national trainer.
It was a great experience to educate the Trainers en National Trainer course to this group of people.
It was a pity to experience how the difficulty to communicate with our students. Only 6 of 100 are able to communicate in English. It was great to have the help of the Chinese organization witch provided 4 good qualified translators. Especially the role of Jack, an outdoor student, was marvelous and at the theoretical part which is so very important, was translated very well by him.
Interaction, feedback and responses on spontaneous cases during my central presentation made the distance between me and the participants very small and create a good atmosphere.
All participants showed a very well INWA technique and passed the exam successfully . The theoretical exams were also all well done and passed successfully. We were proud we managed to learn them this all in only 2 days with the big language barrier in between although we had some marvelous translators.
During the final goodbye diner, we awarded the diplomas personally to each participant. They were very proud, glad and thankful to receive this and to be a member of the INWA Nordic Walking family.
The enthusiasm of the group was really great and the knowledge was fine. We think they will be good ambassadors to carry out Nordic Walking. Especially the Beijing Sport University can be an important key role player. They see big possibilities to enthusiasm young trainers.
Last but not least, China is a very large country and they have the possibilities to realize a
successful role in Nordic Walking. Especially the Beijing Sport University needs to enlarge the possibilities to play an important role and INWA will absolutely support CNWA physically in this.
After this education job, the Dutch team brought the INWA flag and INWA poles to the Chines wall at Baladin and Mutianyu. We hop the Chinese team will bring this flag to the next convention.
With best regards,
Marco Maas