Dear Nordic Walkers,
I had a pleasure to participate the Japan Nordic Fitness Forum, which was organized by INWA member Japan Nordic Fitness Association in the city of Kyoto. Event was planned and coordinated by the President of JNFA President, Mr. Masaki Takeda.
Background of the Japan Nordic Fitness Forum and Nordic Walking in Japan
Japan Nordic Fitness Forum has been arranged every year since 2008 by JNFA, which is the leading Nordic Walking Association in Japan and an exclusive member organization of International Nordic Walking Federation INWA. Japan is a country of 127 million people but last year the population actually declined by 1 million people. Population is aging very fast as people live longer, birth rate is declining and immigration numbers are very low. Typical Nordic Walker in Japan is between 50-70 years old. It is difficult to estimate, how many Nordic Walkers there are in Japan, but I have heard some estimations that between 50 -100 000 active and over 300 000 people have tried it at least once. Community of the Nordic Walkers is very strong and social part has a very important meaning. Nordic Walking was also very successfully used for the activation and wellbeing of the people after the Tsunami in Tohoku. JNFA organized Nordic Walking clinics and events for the people, who have lost their homes and close ones to help them recover from the strategy. JNFA headquarters is located in a historical city of Sendai.
Day 1.
First day of the Forum included lectures in the afternoon and a gala dinner in the evening. Lectures were held in the auditorium of Doshisha University, which has about 30 000 students. President of JNFA, Mr. Masaki Takeda works as a professor in the university. Number of the participants for the lectures was over 400. Program included many scientific lectures and introductions of Nordic Walking activities of JNFA in different parts of Japan. JNFA has divided Japan into 9 regions which develop Nordic Walking according to the guidelines of JNFA and INWA. This is absolutely the best way to make sure that Nordic Walking is introduced in such a large country the right way and efficiently. I was very pleased to see, how active the regional representatives are in Japan. In the official presentation of INWA I presented the history of Nordic Walking and the present activities of INWA worldwide.
In the evening the dinner party was arranged in the Karasuma Kyoto Hotel right in the center of Kyoto. Event was fully booked by 250 participants. Food was wonderful and the program enjoyable. It was also very interesting to speak with people from all over the country. I was actually surprised, how many spoke English language and even more surprised that those who did not speak that well, were not afraid to at least try to speak.
Day 2.
Sunday was then the day of Nordic Walking. Number of participants was over 500 and weather was just perfect, Clear skies and temperature around 12 degrees Celsius. Meeting point was at the university. Distances were 3, 5 and 10 km’s. Now that the university was inside the city and it would have been very challenging to organize everything as a mass start, JNFA had planned everything very smart way. 500 people were first divided into groups based on the distances. After that the different groups were divided into smaller groups, I guess about 20 people in each and they were led by an instructor on a route. Along the route there were many interesting sightseeing sports and restrooms. The nice thing also was that this way Nordic Walking was actually very visible in the city of Kyoto as these groups were walking all over the city. Also the students of the university were used in the event to help with the arrangements and I would like to thank them very much for their help. Before the Nordic Walking each groups had their own warm-up session in the garden of the university and nearby temple. After Nordic Walking people gathered in the university for a close-up ceremony of the event.
I would like to thank JNFA and the president Masaki Takeda for the very well organized event. Thanks also to INWA International Trainer Naohiro Takahashi for his efforts in the event. Everything went just perfectly and according to the planned schedules. Spirit was great and I was so moved by the warm family-like atmosphere. What JNFA is doing in Japan, can be used as a good example of how INWA member country should promote Nordic Walking in its country. I guess in the near future JNFA will be focusing more and more also events and such events, which will also bring younger participants into this great physical activity.
I would like to wish JNFA and all the Nordic Walkers of Japan good health, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year on behalf of INWA.
Best regards,
Aki Karihtala
President of INWA