Find all INWA National Nordic Walking Association, official INWA Members
INWA Membership
INWA is an international federation, which means that our members are Nordic Walking organisations from all over the world.
We currently have 21 Country Members and within those Members we have thousands of individual trainers and instructors, who all joined INWA by their common passion for the sport.
INWA member country:
An INWA member country is an organisation in a country that seeks to promote, develop and teach Nordic Walking in that country in accordance with the global standards established by INWA. It is INWA’s policy to appoint only one member to a country to represent INWA. INWA currently has members in Europe, Asia and Oceania.
INWA members come from a variety of backgrounds. Some of our member organisations have formed with the specific purpose of developing and promoting Nordic Walking while others are existing sports organisations that add Nordic Walking to the range of sports they promote. Others are involved in other forms of sports, health promotion, rehabilitation, or leisure activities and see Nordic Walking as complementary to their other activities. The one thing that they all have in common is that they share a passion for Nordic Walking.
Becoming a member of INWA will make your association part of the global community for Nordic Walking. Together we share knowledge and experience. As a full INWA Member Country you can:
- Access high-quality INWA Nordic Walking education.
- Assistance with the development of a trainer and instructor network.
- Be eligible to be accredited by the INWA Training Standards which will review your training and assessment schemes and verify that they have been independently examined by an INWA International Trainer.
- Access specialist advice through the network of INWA volunteer experts to assist with the launch, promotion, and development of Nordic Walking in your country.
- Raise the profile of your association globally.
- Take part in the work of developing international standards, agreements, and guidelines in areas such as instructor training, Nordic Walking competitive sports, or environmental conduct.
- Take part in exchanges, seminars, and conferences with INWA members from other countries.
- Enter your members in the INWA Challenges.
- Be a member of the only international Nordic Walking Federation that is recognised by other international bodies. This may mean that your organisation could qualify for recognition and financial support from your government or sports agencies.
All Country Member associations can take part in the annual General Meeting, which is the highest decision making body of INWA.
The membership fee is set by the Board annually. Currently the annual fee is 700€. New country members pay the annual fee of 700€ plus a joining fee of 300€.
INWA members of INWA National Nordic Walking Associations:
INWA Instructors who have been educated by a National Trainer who is part of an INWA National Nordic Walking Association (Official INWA member), can become a member of this Association and so become part of the International INWA Federation. The National Nordic Walking Association is the leading INWA body in the country and provides the INWA Instructors with the latest news, and updates in education, or organises events like competitions.
The public who is taught Nordic Walking with the safe INWA technique can become a member of the local INWA Instructor club. A local INWA Instructor club often organises walks, training sessions, and sometimes events. In this way Nordic Walking has a daily or weekly character of a healthy outdoor exercise activity.
Registered INWA Trainers and Instructors:
A Registered INWA Trainer or Instructor holds a current INWA Certificate. You will find a list of INWA country members on our website with a link to the national member pages showing the instructors in your area.
A Registered INWA Trainer or Instructor, by participating in the INWA Continuing Education Programme, demonstrates a commitment to the delivery of high-quality education. They continually look to develop their skills, knowledge and service to their clients.