The National Trainer team showed them the new 10 Steps, and answered their questions about teaching technique. INWA National Trainers Tatiana Novaes Coelho and Catherine Hughes also shared some new warm up exercises and activities from the practical sessions in Russia. The most popular exercise was from the INWA China representative. Participants had to balance with one leg forward on the heel and the rear leg on the ball of the foot. Surprisingly difficult, especially when you raise the poles on to your head, pretending to be a stag with antlers.

The convention programme also including lectures on Nordic Walking with people who have arthritis, amputees and a report from an instructor who took part in the INWA World Cup in Estonia for the first time and won his age category and team title.
The second part of the day involved presentations on how best to use social media and then we went through some workshops to brainstorm ideas on event formats and ways to celebrate INWA’s 20 year anniversary.
Society isn’t a ‘one size fits all’…we are all individual and different and this always needs to be remembered. However, the common thread we all share is having a ‘will to win through’…to conquer our limitations, mentally and physically, to hang on to a deep desire to find the best version of ourselves and to be able to enjoy our lives to the full for as long as we can.
Nordic Walking is, and remains a remarkable activity to facilitate all of this…the deep human spirit.”