To all the fans of Nordic Walking,
Due to Hagibis Typhoon the INWA World Cup in Nagano, Japan had to be cancelled. Despite of this cancellation we had about 50 people who came to meet each other at the event place. This event would have been very succesfull if this Typhoon hadn’t hit this part of Japan. Hundreds of registered participants had to cancel their arrivals. We walked about 6km on the competition trails and you can see on this video, how the trails were damaged in the forest. I would like to express on behalf of all the Nordic Walkers my regrets to organizer JNFA. We feel really sorry for you but we naturally hope that next year we will try again with better luck. Event place is very beautiful and the trails are very well designed. Having said this, I would like to welcome all the Nordic Walkers to Japan next year.
Aki Karihtala
President of INWA

The INWA World Cup in Nagano received an official title from INWA this year. Nagano is well known for the Winter Olympic Games in 1998. Iizuna is where the JNFA approved official NW tracks is very beautiful rural area where you can enjoy many outdoor sports all year around. More information about INWA World Cup Japan 2019 to read in below block.
◆ Date : 13th(Sun) Oct. 2019
◆ Place : Organic Resort, Lake Reisenji, IIzuna town, Nagano, Japan
◆ Host : Executive Committee of NW Half Marathon Nagano , Iizuna Town Tourism Association
◆ Special Guest : Mr. Kenji OGIWARA -The World Champion of Nordic Combined Ski
◆ Distances : World Cup : 21 km, 12.5 km
For timetable and registration form please click below link.